Draw Close is a new Bible-based boardgame for the family, from the makers of [GEM DIGGERS]. It is primarily designed for Jehovah's Witnesses. The game challenges players to draw a selection of theocratic clues across three unique categories. It is designed to stimulate creative thinking within a spiritual context and will provide hours of entertainment for young and old.
In addition to the drawing element, there are also two additional game modes, namely "Identify" and "Who Said It" where players need to identify over 50 unique Bible characters based on clues and identify other characters based on things they have said. We know that you will enjoy this new game during Family Worship or virtual (and eventually in-person) gatherings!

Some video footage of friends enjoying the game via Zoom
Read what the friends from around the world have to say about us
Thank you brother David, I did receive the links to download the game. Thank you for that and for these wonderful games you take the time to produce. We had the pleasure of visiting South Africa and Cape Town in 2019 for the international convention. You live in a beautiful country with an amazing brotherhood. Please take care. )
Hamilton - USA
I received my Draw Close game today! I am so excited and can't wait to play it with my friends. I already have Gem Diggers - LOVE IT!, so I know this will be fun as well.
Naomi - USA
Oh man this game is simply fantastic! You guys just keep on producing awesome games - thank you so much brothers for the hard work and research that you guys put into these games. We really appreciate them, and you!
Kelly - Australia
Dear brothers, we just wanted to express our appreciation for this awesome game! Our children (and us oldies) love it - Family worhsip has never been this much fun. Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to make this!!
Debbie - United Kingdom
We had such an awesome time playing this game on Zoom for games evening with our friends! We laughed (and learnt) so much. Thank you dear brothers for your hard work - we look forward to playing it again and again!
Joanna - Sweden
The game consists of three categories, "Drawing", "Identify" and "Who Said It?"
Click on the expanding buttons below for more info on each section.
Draw Close is a new Bible-based boardgame for the family, from the makers of [GEM DIGGERS]. It is primarily designed for Jehovah's Witnesses. The game challenges players to draw a selection of theocratic clues across three unique categories. It is designed to stimulate creative thinking within a spiritual context and will provide hours of entertainment for young and old, “drawing lovers of truth closer together”.
In addition to the drawing element, there are also two additional game modes, namely "Identify" and "Who Said It" where players need to identify Bible characters based on clues and on things they have said in the scriptures, respectively. We know that you will enjoy this new game during Family Worship or virtual gatherings!
Divide the players into a maximum of five teams. Each team should contain no fewer than three players (unlimited maximum amount per team). Assign each team one of the five tokens. All teams will start on the “Start” square and will assign one representative to roll the die to determine which team will start first.
For the first round, the team can choose which one of the three “Drawing” categories to draw (Creation, Things, Actions). Thereafter, the category they have to draw will be determined by the colour of the square they land on. Yellow = Creation, Light Orange = Things and Dark Orange = Actions
The game is played out on a quad-fold board containing 40 squares. The object of the game is to advance the token representing your team from the “Start” to the “Finish” square. There are three modes in the game, the standard “Drawing” is represented by the orange, amber and yellow squares. Each of these squares represent three distinct categories for drawing, namely “Creation”, “Things”, and “Action”. When your token lands on one of these squares, your team will need to assign someone to draw that clue on the drawing card. The other team members must guess what they are drawing within a 60-second time limit. After each successful guess, your team will roll the die to determine how many spaces to move.
If your token lands on an “Identify” square, you will take a card from that deck. There is no drawing in this mode – the object is to read out the clues on the card starting from the top. After each clue, your team can attempt to identify the character name at the top of the card (this should not be revealed by the describer). If the team cannot guess the identity, the describer will read the next clue and so on until the identity is correctly guessed. Each clue is worth two points. The amount of points scored in a round is the amount of spaces the team will move on the board.
Who Said It
If your token lands on a “Who Said It” square, you will take a card from that deck. Each card contains three (3) quotations. The describer reads out the quotation and the rest of the team need to guess who in the bible said that. Each correctly guessed quotation is worth 2 points. The total number of points gained per card is the number of spaces the team will move on the board. In some cases we have provided the context in which the quotation was made, or who it was said to. This is just for added enrichment and is not required as part of the answer.
The first team to reach the “Finish” square has an opportunity, on their next turn, to win the game. The team selects one player to draw all three clues on the card within 2 minutes. If the team is not successful in guessing all three clues, they have another opportunity on their next turn, but this time a different drawer should be assigned. If two (or more) teams occupy the finish square at the same time, these teams will compete together simultaneously, using the same card. Whichever team guesses all the clues on the card correctly first wins the game.
Draw Close has come about due to our inherent love of boardgames, along with our love for the precious truths found in God’s word. Also, due to the overwhelming love and support for our [GEM DIGGERS] boardgame, and on the back of all the messages of thanks we’ve received, we decided to create a different game which will involve a different skillset, but with the same objective: to make learning about Jehovah fun, interactive and entertaining to all age groups. With that in mind, and considering that many of our supporters asked for a game that could also be played by kids – we decided to make “Draw Close”, which we hope will help “draw lovers of truth closer together” – especially in these difficult times with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Of course, to create a boardgame that will appeal to children and adults alike is not so easy to accomplish given the broad age ranges involved. To help bridge this gap however, we have decided to create, in addition to the main game, a special “Junior Expansion Pack” which contains 50 additional cards, catering for two different age ranges, 6 – 9-year-olds and 10 – 13-year-olds respectively. This version of the game has been designed and researched by a sister who has taught young children in those age groups professionally – the result is a game that includes many different age groups and also taps into the innate creativity of our younger ones. At the same time the game will provide much fun, entertainment and laughter for older more mature ones. We hope you enjoy the game, and as always, we thank you for your loyal support!
Please Note: All clues have been meticulously researched!
Thank u kind brothers. Received our beautiful game. Cant wait to play it with our sweet grand-daughters. Thank y'all for your hard work and diligence in putting this together. You're a blessing to us. Much love sent your way with lots of hugs. ❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗 May Jehovah continue to bless the love y'all show. Thank u again!
The Fergusons - USA